The Mostetler Road and Deer Lake neighbors have exercised their right to appeal the Special Use Permit granted to Doug Longenecker to run a “campground and resort.” This “campground and resort” is really the same Motocross and ORV business that has already been overturned, with camping and resort-like activities thrown in. Jason Liptow chides the neighbors on the Michigan Moto Mania facebook page:
“Closed-minded selfish people never took a civics class that taught the good of the many outweighs the good of the few. You want peace and quiet and poaching off others property, move to Wyoming where the wolves just might eat you for dinner. So sick of these narrow-minded people who have no understanding of the positive effects such a place will have on this county.”
Mr. Liptow’s friends Cathy Harper-Hayden, Grant Charville, Dan Schoch and Laura Murphy-Taylor agreed with him.
Where I went to school, I learned that the Founding Fathers espoused the rule of Law and the rights of the individual. I also learned that my individual rights do not extend beyond the end of my nose, which I hold to be true for all individuals. No one has the right to do what is wrong. In my civics class, I learned that the laws are in place to protect the rights of the individual. Laws are declared unconstitutional when they infringe upon the rights of the individual.
“The good of the many” is Utilitarianism and harks more toward National Socialism than it does toward a Democratic Republic.
The phrase “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz” (The common good before self interest) was popularized in Rudolf Jung’s book Der Nationale Sozialismus (National Socialism) Since when is Rudolf Jung one of the Founding Fathers?
This was the philosophy upon which Adolf Hitler’s economic policy was based. Personal profit was subordinate to the ends of the state in Hitler’s Germany . Any business owner who pursued his own self interest found himself in a concentration camp or sentenced to death. This official decree, “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz” was stamped into the rim of the Reichsmark coins from 1933 to the end of WWII.
The common good before the private good; or to paraphrase using Mr. Liptow’s words, “The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.”
That Mr. Liptow and friends blindly embrace this philosophy I find troubling.
I find it troubling for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Mr. Liptow has run for public office (State Representative, District 97). During his campaign, Mr. Liptow used the Moto Mania debacle to make political hay while pandering for votes among the Moto Mania supporters. By latching onto the popular appeal of the misplaced business, Mr. Liptow hoped to propel himself into office.
Equally troubling is the fact that Mr. Liptow used to teach economics at Mid-Michigan Community College before he was fired for cause (unprofessionalism). I am relieved that Mr. Liptow did not teach history, government or civics. Given the origin of the philosophy, I find it very unsettling that he taught economics.
I have heard Moto Mania supporters talk about “Democracy” and “majority rule”. What happens when the so called majority collectively and repeatedly breaks the law? Mob rule, anarchy, and a lack of respect for the rule of law. This kind of thing turns those in charge of governing into dictators and those in charge of law enforcement into thugs.
Mr. Longenecker’s right to run a business is not in question. Where he wants to establish his business is. There is a zoning ordinance for a reason. It is there to protect the rights of people who own property and pay taxes. It is there to assure that communities grow in a controlled and intelligent manner, not in a haphazard manner. Certain types of business do not belong in residential areas, rural or otherwise.
The damage to the environment, traffic, noise and fumes from Mr. Longenecker’s business infringes upon the rights of nearby property owners. Our property values are going down while our tax assessments are rising because of the presence of a Motocross/ORV business in the neighborhood. Our right to hunt and enjoy our property in peace and quiet is disrupted by the presence of a Motocross/ORV business in the neighborhood.
Mr. Liptow and friends consider us “close-minded,” “selfish,” “narrow-minded” and in need of a civics lesson because we are defending our rights.
The unsubstantiated, unproven and repeated allegations of poaching go to the maxim that if a lie is repeated often enough and loud enough it will be believed by those who do not bother to check the facts for themselves.
The comment about moving to Wyoming and wolves eating us for dinner, is just plain petty and panders to the pettiness of others. (Mr. Liptow’s professionalism is showing once again).