I have taken a hiatus form this blog for a time, causing many to believe that I have just “given up” about Michigan Moto Mania. At least in the Hayes Township “system,” that issue is pretty much decided. But time is very much on the side of the neighbors. And we are patient.
This is, after all, the Hayes Township Watchdog Blog, and although so much of the shenanigans pulled by Hayes Township officials has centered around Moto Mania, there is still much going on in Hayes Township on the boards that has absolutely nothing to do with Moto Mania, and is still not quite kosher.
With that in mind, I am shifting my gaze to the other shenanigans going on that my neighbors and I have observed in the last few months and bring them to the attention of the general public, who still do not appear to be paying attention, now that the dust has settled on the Moto Mania issue.
The neighbors are still paying attention to you Hayes Township officials, both elected and appointed, and we are not going away. We live here and we own property here and we are not going to make it easy for you guys to screw over the people whose interests you are supposed to be protecting in the future. You will see at least one or two of our faces at every meeting, holding your feet to the fire. You can count on it.
One positive new thing since I last blogged is the new Zoning Administrator, Rod Williams. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Williams while I was in town in early July. He seems to be a “by the book” kind of guy, and that’s a good thing, inasmuch as the vast majority of Hayes Township officials are only “by the book” when it suits their own purposes. As observed in the last few years, they tend to be “chunk the book” kind of Good Ol’ Boys. Mr. Williams does not appear to be a member of the Hayes Township Good Ol’ Boys Club, unlike Jim VanWormer.
Also a point in Mr. William’s favor – he doesn’t seem to be intimidated by the bullies in the Hayes Township Good Ol’ Boys’ Club. He spends a lot of time taking the initiative to get his job training updated, which could prove to be the Bain of some members of the Good Ol’ Boys Club. So far, I like what I see. Maybe he’ll be a new broom sweeping some old dirt clean around Hayes Township. They sure do need it.
I have a lot more to say, so stay tuned.
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