Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Letters Suppressed by Lyle - Letter #2 - Acres Affected

As I have already mentioned, every letter that was written to the Hayes Township Planning Commission prior to the public hearing on 12 May 2010 was read except a handful of letters that Lyle refused to read.  In his refusal to read those letters, he suppressed the free speech of those who wrote the letters.  They were all written by me or members of my family.  They were all written on different topics related Michigan Moto Mania and the decision that was set before the Planning Commission at the time.  Since they were not read at the public hearing, I have decided to reproduce them here.

If there is any information to update, I will write it after the letter.

The second letter deals with acres affected.

Planning Commission
C/O Hayes Township Clerk
P.O.Box 310
Harrison, MI

3,383. That’s approximately how many collective acres of land are close enough to be affected by the noise and other ill effects of Michigan Moto Mania.  That number includes 1070 acres of contiguous State land that abuts Moto Mania property. 

Including the state land, there are 1625 acres of land immediately adjacent that is adversely affected, the owners of which object to the business venture that is Michigan Moto Mania.

In 2 more property circles outward that encompass about a mile in radius, are another 1758 acres, including another 20 acres of state land. 

With very few exceptions, most of these acres are owned in parcels of at least 10 acres.  Also with very few exceptions, most of these acres have been in families for decades.  They represent lifetimes and careers worth of sweat, investment, property taxes and family equity and value in their property.  When they purchased their land those many years ago, it was not their intention to own property in the environs of Motor vehicle racing facility. 

Yet that is exactly what a newcomer with no time and family ties invested in his 200 acres on Mostetler Road has brought to his neighbors.  He has invested some money which can be easily returned to him at this point in the project* and about 4 months worth of sweat, much of which has been expended by volunteer supporters salivating over jobs that may or may not materialize in this business venture.

Should a parcel of land equal to about 5.9% of the surrounding area, most of which is zoned A-R, that sits roughly in the middle of that A/R zone house a business that belongs in an industrial zone or at the very least a commercial zone?  Should a newcomer to the area with 5.9% of the land be allowed to ruin the investments made so many years ago by the owners of the surrounding 3,383 acres?

To be fair and honest, the neighbors are not against the newcomer, Mr. Doug Longenecker, nor are we against Michigan Moto Mania as a concept.  We would like to see a business such as Michigan Moto Mania where it belongs.  I implore the Planning Commission and the Township Board to disapprove of Mr. Longenecker’s Application for Special Use and his Site Plan for this location.  The future of the family legacies of many Hayes Township taxpayers depend upon your decision.

Thank you for your consideration.

Karen Laskowsky
Laskowsky Family Trust

*That point in the project was in early May, after Judge Mienk put the injunction on the property and told him he could continue to develop at his own risk, but before the Planning Commission voted to grant the Special Use with Restrictions on 17 May 2010.

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