If there is any information to update, I will write it after the letter.
This letter addresses the scope and magnitude of Michigan Moto Mania as it was originally planned.
C/O Hayes Township Clerk
To the Planning Commission:
Michigan Moto Mania has undergone an evolution in the short time it has been a project up for consideration for a Special Use in Hayes Township .
Some considerations: Is the Planning Commission aware of the scope and magnitude of Mr. Longenecker’s plans for the proposed Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza?
It seems that based on the descriptions of the park in official documentation, facebook, the Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza website, various local newspaper articles and online riding/racing forums, different people have different ideas of just exactly what the scope and purpose of this for profit enterprise really is. Mr. Longenecker himself has adapted the plans to play to popular opinion in the local media and also to be seen as accommodating to the neighboring properties.
Mr. Longenecker did not know Ron Price from Rocks and Valleys when he first started his business venture until Mr. Price sought him out. The 4X4 stuff fell out shortly after that so as to not be seen as competing with Rocks and Valleys.
No doubt after meeting Steve Rauch, the skateboard and BMX areas have also fallen out of the plan in deference to the BMX/Skate park near Hayes Civic Center that Mr. Rauch has been so instrumental in raising funds for so as not to compete with that either.
I will speak to camping in another letter.
As concerns were raised about noise and traffic, there appears to be a concerted effort to de-emphasize the racing aspect of the business. Races have already been held and purse money has been collected from local businesses. (I have a list of contributors in a screen capture from the 5 March 2010 update of the original website). Other races have been postponed and there may still be purse money undisbursed.
This commercial enterprise has evolved from being a racing facility – the demonstrated original intent - to a membership driven family park. “Events” will be scheduled for members. If the special use for this business is approved, how long will it be before it reverts back to its original intent with more and more “events”?
One of the several iterations of the proposed site plan allows for 690 parking spaces. Really? Glens has 179 parking spaces. If you figure 2 people per car parked, that is 1380 people. The only reason to have that many people in the park at one time is as spectators for a race. 1380 is a conservative estimate based on parking spaces. Can Mostetler Road handle that kind of traffic and that many people milling about?
I will speak to infrastructure in another letter.
I will speak to infrastructure in another letter.
Steve Rauch is working hard, talking to promoters of freestyle shows and snowcross. He says one of their annual events draws 70,000 people. He’s hoping to get a snowcross stop here in Harrison and those draw big crowds. He is working on bringing sponsored freestyle events to Harrison .
Mr. Longenecker has been inconsistent about hours of operations in the interviews he has given and the various websites he posts on. I have cited everything from 24-7-365 to as early as for gates opening to and for the start of the motors to as late as for the end of riding and a gate closure, and everything in between. Does that mean that after special “events” that we on Mostetler Road
can expect heavy traffic from the potentially 70,000 spectators for several hours after the last engine is done? This is allowing for time to exit the facility by way of 2 entrances/exits, getting vehicles loaded onto trailers and transported out of the “compound” as it is described. Will 690 parking spaces be adequate to handle that many spectators?
can expect heavy traffic from the potentially 70,000 spectators for several hours after the last engine is done? This is allowing for time to exit the facility by way of 2 entrances/exits, getting vehicles loaded onto trailers and transported out of the “compound” as it is described. Will 690 parking spaces be adequate to handle that many spectators?
If the Hayes Township Planning Commission approves of this Special Use for a business enterprise, how will the scope and magnitude of this facility be controlled? What assurance do we have that the spectators and participants of such potentially large events will behave themselves? What assurances do we have that the neighbors will be undisturbed by the added activity, noise and traffic on Mostetler Road?
These are things to consider if this business turns out to be as successful as the popular fan base is predicting.
Thank you for your consideration.
Karen Laskowsky
The Harold Laskowsky Trust
According Doug Longenecker’s original request for Special Use dated 15 October 2009 , it was going to be a Motorcycle/Motocross/ATV/Snowmobile park. Apparently from the minutes of the 21 October 2009 meeting, he further defined his business endeavor as a facility for Enduro Racing and snowmobile racing, with a single building for concessions, bathroom and showers, a training area for year round use. There was to be a place for organized spectators (not further defined) and roads for safety and traffic control.
From a post on the Great Lakes 4X4 Offroad Forum dated 10 Feb 2010 , reference is made to the Michigan Moto Mania website, and the fact that according to said website, there will be BMX, flat track, lawn mowers and skateboards as well.
On 27 Feb 2010, Michigan Moto Mania held their first race/harescramble, thus establishing itself as a racing facility. A second bike harescramble was scheduled for 20 March 2010, and purse money was collected.
It was about this time that the neighbors discovered what all the clear cutting was all about and what the plans were for the property. They began looking into it and raising concerns.
According to the Michigan Moto Mania facebook page, The First Annual Winter Harescramble (race) Series for quads was to be held on March 6th 2010 at .
The 5 March 2010 update of the Michigan Moto Mania website adds onsite storage (“50 units to start for bikes, quads, gear, etc.”) and a mechanics area to the endeavor. There is also advertised indoor MX courses. All in a single building? There is also a plan to dig and flood ponds for ice racing. There is more specificity as to the types of tracks and race courses as well: MX courses, TT courses, SX courses, and the advertised feature of being able to ride legally from the property to the state ORV trail system, adding ORV traffic in larger numbers to the regular traffic on
Mostetler Road . This will be a year round operation.
Mostetler Road
On 14 Mar 2010 , the Thumpertalk website – Michigan Moto Mania Reviews, Ratings, Specs and prices page gives more specificity as to the types of trails and tracks planned for the facility: Freestyle Motocross, One Way Trails, Peewee track, Pitbike/minibike track, Single Track, Vet Track. According to this website, Michigan Moto Mania will be a 24-7-365 operation. The fees: $10 Gate Fee, $25 To Race, $20 to open ride the entire park.
On 16 Mar 2010 , upset neighbors voiced their concerns to Hayes Township at a scheduled board meeting.
Also on 18 Mar 2010, an article in the Clare County Cleaver (Michigan Moto Mania To Open Soon in Harrison) lists the hours of operation in consideration of the neighbors, “…although the gates open early, the hours of riding will be limited to 9AM to 7 PM.”
Sometime after the Township meeting, the Michigan Moto Mania website removed the fee to race from the website, possibly with the advent of the new website.
On 23 March 2010 , Michigan Moto Mania became Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza with the launch of their new website.
0n 25 Mar 2010 , on the Michigan Moto Mania Facebook page, Robin Longenecker explains how membership at the park will work: “You will purchase a membership for a small fee and receive a numbered sticker to place on your ATV. Additional stickers can be purchased for $2.00 for each additional vehicle you will be riding. When we open in May, you will be able to purchase a membership at the park.”
On 30 Mar 2010 , according to an article in the Clare County Sentinel (Neighbors Try To Stop Park), Mr. Longenecker is quoted as saying, “We are not building tracks. We will use the natural lay of the land we are calling courses.” Also according to the article, Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza will be “membership-driven” like a club, with monthly “events”.
On 7 Apr 2010 , on the Great Lakes 4X4 Offroad Forum, Eric Loso stated in a post that he has permission to ride in Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza any time he wants. Does that include hours when the park is closed to the rest of the public? At any hour of the day or night? He was apparently setting up a private ride at the park with another individual.
On 9 Apr 2010 , in an article in the Clare County Review (Neighbors, Developer Spar Over MotoMania), David Basinger of Hidden Hills Campground said that “Moto Mania is not a racetrack but an off-road track.” In the same article, Doug Longenecker is quoted as saying, “These won’t be race tracks; this is a family facility.” He also said that the courses are being constructed at the “rear of the property” and will be screened by trees to keep the noise down. Also in the article, Mr. Longenecker stated that use (of the park) will be only until .
On 22 Apr 2010, According to an article in the Clare County Cleaver (Mostetler Clean-Up Sponsored by Michigan Moto Mania), Doug Longenecker is quoted as saying, “I won’t be allowing vehicles to run 24/7; they will be starting no earlier than 9 or 10 AM and we’ll be calling it a day well before sundown, around 7 PM. I also plan to shut down for two weeks when deer hunting season first starts to accommodate the hunters as well as insuring the safety of the riders…”
On 23 Apr, 2010 , the Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza website lists the next scheduled event as Open Riding, on May 1st and 2nd. Also there are more specific details on the courses they have been working on: 2 Enduro–Cross Courses, 3 Motocross Courses, Kids MX – 2 large courses, 2 small courses, a freestyle area – 5 acres with foam pits, 2 flat courses, 2 TT courses (a combination of the aforementioned courses) Unlimited possibilities for Harescrambles, A practice area for Starting Quads/bikes/Snowmobiles, ice racing – 2 three ft deep ponds, Lawnmower racing, 4X4 Course, 1 acre for a Trials Bike Area, and Directional trails in the woods for trail riding.
Membership will be required for the open riding scheduled for May 1st and 2nd. The new Daily park fees are: Rider - $20, Spectator - $10, Under 12 riders free.
As of 26 Apr 2010 , the Thumppertalk website, Michigan Moto Mania Reviews, Ratings, Specs and Prices lists the primary riding type as Motocross. There are no hours of operation listed. Fees listed: $10 Gate Fee, $25 To Race, $20 to open ride the entire park.
28 Apr 2010, the Michigan Moto Mania Offroad Extravaganza website update lists the next event as “Possible Open Riding tentatively scheduled for May 15th” It also lists the hours as: May 15th –Jun 27th : gates will be open Fri, Sat, Sun at 8 AM and close at 10 PM. Riding from * Starting Jul 1, gates will be open Thurs-Mon . Riding from ! Closed Tues and Wed.*
*Park hours of operation are subject to change per park Administration’s discretion.
On 30 Apr 2010, in a letter from Hayes Township Planning Commission to neighboring residents, the Special Use is described as “for offroad riding, enduro racing, snowmobile racing, and ORV use. The plan would include one building for concession sales, bathrooms, showers and a training area. The proposed plan would provide for camping and rustic areas, for safety and traffic control and parking areas.
With the exception of the parking areas, which were not previously listed, this pretty much describes the original application and site plan.
On 6 May 2010 , in a series of posts on the Michigan MotoMania facebook page, Steve Rauch says, “…I have been on the phone with some promoters of freestyle shows and snowcross and I’ve got them excited. One of their annual events draws 70,000 people! Can you imagine? Dirtbikes, quads, snowmobiles, pit bikes, etc.”
“…Exactly why I’m working so hard. We can get started with a pitbike show for cheap and go from there to ditrtbikes, quads, snowmobiles, etc., etc. I’m hoping to get a national Snowcross stop here in Harrison and those draw BIG crowds.”
“I’m working hard on all this! Now its just gotta get open for business! I could get a freestyle show that includes pitbikes, quads, dirtbikes, and snowmobiles any time of the year for say $50,000 maybe. And I can get some sponsors to foot some of the bill. Can you imagine what kind of crowd draw we could get for that?”
“I can get a snowmobile freestyle show in the summer for say $20,000ish. And less for wintertime. Here in Harrison , Michigan . OPEN MOTO MANIA!! We are gonna have some fun!!!”
“And I’m talking internationally known X games riders not some nobodies! Welcome to the new Harrison , Michigan …”
On 6 May 2010 , on the Michigan Moto Mania facebook page, Jim Hubble posts: “…
I would be in the Harrison area more often if the track starts up. Good luck to all involved and hope to see ya at the track. Ladies and gentlemen start your engines and get out to the races.”
In the months since I wrote this letter and cited these sources, Doug dropped camping from the ameneties. That I addressed in a previous letter.
The Panning Commission approved his special use (on 17 May 2010) and put conditions on it that severely limited his ability to realize the full potential of his dream facility. They mandated that he give up the camping, which he was only too happy to do. They refused to consider upgrades to infrastructure at county expense, saying that it would not be needed. They limited him to a single building with no running water or electricity. That meant no showers, no concessions, porta-potties only and roach coach types of concessions. There was no further mention of the ponds that were to be dug and flooded, or of the sponsored events that this "family" facility would be offering.
In June 2010, plans were made to sponsor a Kids' League (racing) on Friday nights. That never really came to fruition because of the stay that went on the property when the neighbors appealed the granting of the Special Use to the zoning Board of Appeals. This was the beginning of the "For the Kids Angle" in trying to get Michigan Moto Mania approved.
In a 25 Jun 2010 article in the Clare County Review (Moto Mania Use Permit Still Pending), Doug Longenecker reiterated, "These won't be race tracks, this is a family facility."
On 1 Jul 2010, the Clare County Cleaver wrote that MMM Sets Aside Area For Locals to Ride BMX. This was all part of Doug Longenecker's "continuing effort to give back to the Harrison community" because "Doug Longenecker's heart breaks every time he sees kids just hanging out around the downtown area, unable to take advantage of the beautiful outdoors that Harrison is known for having." Doug, along with Steve Rauch (who works for the Clare County Cleaver), began working with Todd Atkinson, whose father Don Atkinson sits on the Hayes Township Planning Commission, (The same Planning Commission that unanimously granted the Special Use the second time around), to design a BMX course in an area Doug had set aside on the Michigan Moto Mania property. Todd owns B-Xtreme Cycle and Sports in Midland and has ridden BMX professionally. Of course, all of this was a violation of the stay that was on the Michigan Moto Mania property at the time, and also an alteration of the approved site plan. This was a continuation of the "For the Kids Angle."
Even though matching grant money for the BMX park in the municipal park fell through, efforts continue toward raising funds for that park and making it a reality. Fund raisers and benefits have been held regularly for the municipal park, as has been well documented in the Clare County Cleaver all summer long.
In the meantime, X Games rider Chris Ridgeway stopped by "Harrison's own Michigan Moto Mania" to practice his fast riding (racing) for the 2010 X Games, in what was a bid for publicity for Michigan Moto Mania. (But Michigan Moto Mania is not a race course.) The practice session was a headline in the Clare County Cleaver on 29 Jul 2010, (Chris Ridgeway Gains Speed For 2010 X Games.)
Then on 29 and 30 Aug 2010, Michigan Moto Mania hosted a Polaris sponsored training event (WOTT) which was another violation of the stay that was on the Gamble-Longenecker property at the time. This was another publicity event for Michigan Moto Mania.
If Michigan Moto Mania is ever allowed to open on Mostetler Road, there is no doubt that in spite of any restrictions placed on the facility it will evolve into what it was originally intended to be - a racing facility with corporately sponsored racing events, an emitter of noise and fumes incompatible with nearby land uses and an eater of Hayes Township resources for infrastructure and policing this business endeavor.
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