Thursday, January 20, 2011

Again No Surprises - Hayes Township Board of Trustees Meeting, 18 Jan 2011

There were no surprises at the Hayes Township Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday evening. 

As expected, the the Board decided that the questions raised about Lyle Criscuolo's documented malfeasance and blatant disregard for the Zoning Ordinance did not warrant an answer or a public hearing.   They think that the farce of a "do-over" was enough to right the wrongs committed.  It doesn't come close.   They also can't understand why we cannot just be happy that the Zoning Board of Appeals overturned Doug Longenecker's special Use and go on our merry way.  Since that is not the end of the matter, we cannot just go away.  We also cannot afford to be complacent; look where that brought us.

Really, the Board was between a rock and a hard place on this one.  But they are so far down this road that they have to see it all the way to the end, no matter what it eventually costs them.  If they seriously considered having a public hearing about Mr. Criscuolo's malfeasance, there would be much at stake.  Just holding the hearing would be an admission of some degree of culpability on their part, regardless of whether they voted to dismiss or to retain Mr. Criscuolo. 

Now the Hayes Township Board of Trustees has declined to deal with the documented evidence of malfeasance presented to them and they are on the record overlooking it as not important enough to warrant the effort.  I wonder what Judge Mienk will think about the Board's inaction when it all comes out in front of him? 

Notice that Township Attorney David Dreyer was conspicuously absent from the meeting.  He probably wanted to put as much distance between himself and that meeting as possible.  But he had written a letter with his instructions... er, opinion on the matter.

Note to Mr. Dreyer:  The problem will NOT be rectified while the current status quo remains.  It was this status quo that brought us this mess.  You have orchestrated steps that do NOTHING to actually fix the problem, they just allow the same things to continue unchecked while violations of the ordinances go unpunished.  Innocent people are paying for the egregious misdeeds of a few who are still free to continue to trample rights and violate ordinances with impunity.  It is not right, Mr. Dreyer and you know it.  There is a difference between right and legal.  Your so-called "work to rectify the problem" is nothing but lip service and too little too late.  Really, you and the Township you represent have done nothing to either make restitution, or to see that it does not happen again.  And you have been milking the Township for as much compensation as you can.  Hayes Township continues to throw good money after bad in fees paid to you for advice that does nothing but line your pockets. 

The Board of Trustees also placed a new member, Wesley Kenny, on the Planning Commission.  It looks like some people are stepping forward to fill vacancies.  It remains to be seen whether he will think for himself or be one of the lemmings. 

Bob Johnson, whose term on the Zoning Board of Appeals expired in December 2010 was reappointed for another term.



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