Friday, October 15, 2010

Hayes Township Resolution Compliance with Hayes Township Master Plan, Part 5

In today's installment, I will continue to examine the Recommendations section of the Hayes Township Master Plan, and compare it with the minutes of the Hayes Township Planning Commission Special Meeting, dated May 17, 2010, which lay out in detail the decision taken by the Planning commission, and restrictions to be applied to the Special Use assigned to the Gamble-Longenecker property on Mostetler Road.

Unless otherwise specified, page numbers refer to the Hayes Township Master Plan as found on the Hayes Township Website.

The Hayes Township Master Plan is the foundation for the Zoning Ordinance, but it does not carry the weight of the law that the Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance does.

Page 43:Section 5.4: Recommendations, #6: Industrial: “The following criteria should be used for evaluating new industries:
- The development should have good access via a major road."

Mostetler Road is not a major road; it is considered a local road (Hayes Township Master Plan, page 44)
"- The development should be adequately served by public facilities."“Porta-Potty toilets will be State approved units…” (Minutes, page 2)D. The special exemption use will be compatible with …the capabilities of public services and facilities affected by such special exception use…” (Minutes, page 2)“No showers or special services needed, or required, to perform the business as set forth by the Owner.” (Minutes page 2)D. The proposed project has no adverse impact on public services and amenities including transportation and public utilities for the following reasons… No public services will be provided.” (Minutes, page 3)“There will be no electric or water sources specific to the property” (Minutes, page 4 – binding operational agreement)Again, “Owner” – Would that be Ken Gamble or Doug Longenecker?
Michigan Moto mania will be "adequately served" by what public facilities?

"- The proposed development should have minimal adverse impact on existing residential neighborhoods."The adverse impact of this project on the existing residential has already been discussed.

This comes to the end of the Hayes Township Master Plan's recommendations. 
In the next installment, I will look into the "Using the Plan" section of the Hayes Township Master Plan.

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