Monday, October 4, 2010

Nice Work If You Can Get It

It would appear that against all reason, the Hayes Township Board of Trustees voted to adopt the amendment to the Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance authored by Township Attorney David Dreyer.  This further muddies the legal waters, complicates the issue, and continues the foot dragging on the part of the Township's representatives' (both elected and appointed) in taking a decision on the Moto Mania Special Use Appeal.  Needlessly changing the rules in the middle of an action currently in litigation opens up the township to further litigation.  Or is that the plan? 

This action seems to be calculated to drag this out to the point where someone, either Doug Longenecker, or some or all of the Mostetler Road/Deer Lake neighbors decides that it's just getting too expensive to continue and drops the lawsuit(s).  That is, after all, what's best in the long run for the Hayes Township Officials, Mr. Dreyer's client.

For all intents and purposes, the unelected attorney appears to be calling the shots on this issue in Hayes Township.  He says, "Frog," and tells the Township Officials it's in their best legal interest to jump the way he tells them to jump, and of course, the Township Officials jump because they know their actions have been qiestionable throughout this whole debacle.  This leaves no margin for anyone else's ideas, which may be better, to prevail.  The Township's Officials have ceeded their delegated powers of governance to a single man, Attorney David Dreyer.  Mr. Dreyer ran the public hearing and decided what was best for his client.  The Township's elected officials, in voting to adopt the amendment drafted by a committe of one, deferred to Mr. Dreyer.

Is this what elected representatives are supposed to do?  Maybe it's about time to think about electing some new ones.

When did the citizens of Hayes Township elect Attorney David Dreyer to be dictator?  Well, I guess the Hayes Township taxpayers are paying him well enough.  It's nice work if you can get it.

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