Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Response From Lisa Stager, the New Hayes Township Zoning Administrator

I had the opportunity to meet Lisa Stager today while I was at the Hayes Township Business office.  She has been reading the Hayes Township Watchdog Blog and she had a response to something I recently posted.

Here is her response:

Anyone having information regarding an apparent or alleged zoning violation should notify the Zoning Administrator to investigate as to compliance (or non-compliance) with the Zoning Ordinance and/or provisions contained therein.  I will investigate an alleged violation (building without a zoning permit).  Although setting posts does not constitute "building" in this case or any.  Yes, under the definition of "structure" a pole set into the ground could technically qualify, this is where discretion must be applied however, and the property owner's intent determined.  I will contact the property owner as to your allegation and if a pole building is the intention of the set poles, then the property owner/builder will need a zoning permit as required under Section 1606 as well as requirements for accessory buildings under Section 1402.

Please keep in mind that if the building is associated with an approved special land use I will closely examine any special provisions, stipulations and/or conditions consistent with the special land use permit (site plan) in regard to such a building being incidental to the special land use.  As you may be aware, at this point I am not yet familiar with the specifics of this case, and since those "specifics" are more than likely subject to change by order of either the ZBA or the Circuit Court Judge, I would prefer to wait until the case is determined and the "specifics" are clearly defined and written.  And yes, the zoning compliance permit fee is doubled if work that requires such a permit has been done prior to application and approval by the Administrator.

I have extensive experience in zoning enforcement and have revoked more than one zoning permit for either non-compliance or misrepresentation of information submitted.  As to your concerns "which makes me wonder if our new Zoning Administrator will be able to stand up to the people who have the power to fire her in order to do what is right," posted by Klasko Sunday, November 7, 2010,  I can and will take care of what is my business to take care of.  And because you do not know me, and in light of recent events, [understandably] you do have reason to question the integrity and the degree of professionalism on behalf of your local officials, I do not promise I won't make a minor mistake or two, but I will always stand up for what I believe and will not apologize for doing my job to the best of my ability.

"'Powers that Be' at the Township are not interested in enforcing the Zoning Ordinance when it conflicts with what they want to do," posted by Klasko Sunday, November 7, 2010

Of course you may have guessed by now that this statement is contrary to the views I have expressed about my profession.  Especially since zoning enforcement is the actual job description for the Zoning Administrator.  At the end of the day, what I "want to do" is to just simply complete a day of working at this job in such a manner as to not lose sleep over it.  (Period.)  If that ever ceases to be the case, nobody will fire me because I would quit!  No job is worth compromising one's integrity for the sake of anyone's agenda. 

Lisa Stager
(The new) Hayes Township Zoning Administrator

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