Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last Night's Planning Commission Meeting (13 Sep 2010)

Seems like a waste of time that none of them wanted to spend anyway.  When it was all said and done, the Planning Commission resolved to have a public hearing  on 1 October 2010 (a Friday - maybe they are trying to make it inconvenient for anyone to come), after which there will ba a vote to change the ordinance to change the composition of the Zoning Board of Appeals by adding 2 new members and an alternate.

Interesting that one member of the Planning Commission didn't want to waste time on this issue so this process could move along and Moto Mania could open, as though that's a foregone conclusion.  All pretense of impartiality gone, not that there was much to begin with.

Mr. Dreyer had a copy of sections 1501-1503 of the Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance, the one currently available on the Hayes Township website, dated 2002, which is supposedly the most current version, but it turns out that Lyle was working from a more recent 2006 version, apparently not readily available to the general public on the website.

Whose job is it to maintain and keep up with the website?  You're doing a woefully inadequate job of keeping the public informed on matters that concern them.  Besides being embarrassing for your attorney, it shows a lack of concern for the people you purport to represent.  But it does make it easier to change the rules and do things like hold Special Meetings without informing the public.

No one should be surprised about that.  Ordinary citizens cannot find out any information about meetings of the appointed boards on the Hayes Township website.  Announcements of meetings are buried in the classified section of the newspaper and hard to find without looking for them.  It's almost as though they don't want the public to attend to watch them making the sausage.

What's the point of the Hayes Township's website anyway?  It is obviously not kept current, and minutes of the meetings (such as they are ) are not published on the website either.

After the meeting, the usual suspects from the Planning Commission were seen openly hobnobbing with the Moto Mania crowd.   

According to Robin's latest post on the Moto Mania facebook page, "Just another dalay!  Typical Dreyer.  Good thing the neighbors have him on their side," just shows that she still doesn't get it.  Mr. Dreyer is the Hayes Township attorney.  He works for the township, not Moto Mania, and not the neighbors.  Things have stopped going her way, so she thinks he's on the neighbors' side.  He's just trying to do what's most legally expedient for his client.   We have our own legal representation, thanks.  Wouldn't want to put Mr. Dreyer in the position of having a conflict of interest.  That would be wrong.

And I don't know what rock Moto Mania's fan, John C. crawled out from under.  His remark, on the Moto Mania facebook page, "It's not like you went behind anyone's back and all of a sudden there is a 200 acre motocross facility in the back yard," shows that he doesn't know the whole story.  Actually, John, that is exactly how it happened.  The first time any of the neighbors knew there was a motocross facility was when Doug held his first event, a Hare Scramble at the end of February, 2010.  It was news to us.

Just wanted to clear up a few misconceptions on the part of Moto Mania and their supporters.

As soon as I can get a current (Lyle's 2006 version) of the Hayes Township Ordinance, I'll write with some analysis.  It should be interesting.

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