Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ORV Riders' Selfish Disregard

Monday, July 19, 2010

ORV Riders' Selfish Disregard

My limited experience with Motocross bikes and other ORVs has left a lot to be desired. My introduction to the world of Motocross and ORVs occurred when someone bought 200 acres less than a half mile from my mother-in-law’s residence and my future home. This person then began to build a motocross and ORV “off-road extravaganza”, disturbing the peace and quiet of the nearby neighbors, many of whom have lived, vacationed, hunted and paid taxes on their lands for decades and sometimes generations.

Trespassing has occurred and trees have been cut down from neighboring properties because the developer purchased his property in a land contract, which does not require a proper survey to be conducted.

In the months since the park began, I have begun researching off-road facilities, tracks and trails, and the sport. I have noticed a general trend in attitudes and behavior among those who practice the sport. The attitude and demeanor of the sport’s practitioners is one of disregard for the land they’re tearing up, the habitat they’re destroying, who’s nearby and what’s nearby. In online forums, from facebook to sites dedicated to the sport, one can find regularly among the chatter derisive comments aimed at all who would stand in the way of their access to riding venues. They have a voracious appetite for new places to ride.

Those who want to appear to be responsible and law-abiding are often irresponsible about their land purchases. They buy up land in rural settings that are zoned for agricultural, rural residential or residential use and start cutting down trees and building tracks. While the cutting down of trees may be objectionable, it is the prerogative of the property owner to do so on his own property if he so desires.

Sometimes they have the courtesy to apply for a Special Land Use for their endeavor, as my mother-in-law’s neighbor did. By pandering to the local population about potential jobs in this severely depressed location, the developer procured his special use contrary to local zoning ordinances and over the objections of the neighbors who had been there for years, paying taxes. This is typical. Instead of looking for land more appropriately zoned industrial or commercial and buying there, they buy in areas where there will be an inevitable clash with neighbors whose days of peace and quiet are about to end with the whine of off-road engines and increased traffic on once quiet country lanes and dirt roads.

The off-road extravaganza in my mother-in-law’s neighborhood is a profit making enterprise. That was always its intended purpose. But there are some who come in and ask for a Special Use while they are in the process of purchasing the land, and make it known that they will continue to pursue purchasing the property regardless of whether the Special Use is granted or not. That is just what one group of about twenty buyers did in my mother-in-law’s state. They pooled their resources and purchased about 100 acres of land. When their Special Use was denied, they began to “privately use” their property.

Twenty “private users” (owners) plus their families, plus their friends riding on the same piece of property at the same time has the potential to be more than a hundred vehicles riding at the same time. That many vehicles is easily at the low end of the number of riders using a commercial venue. Riders numbering more than about 5-7 are skirting the spirit of the law and stretch the meaning of “private use”. These so-called private users have no regard for the taxpaying neighbors who live nearby, who were there long before they were. Yet when their township sued the property owners for zoning violations, the owners filed a counter suit and are saying that their property rights are being violated. This case is still ongoing.

In another case, in the same state, a family had a private practice track for their racing team. They used it privately, but held “open practices” for community use. They did not charge admission to the track, because that would have made the track a business, and a special use not allowed under their zoning laws. They did, however “accept donations” from the riders who practiced during the open practice times. One day a 12 year old rider was killed in an accident at the track. Their township took legal measures to close them down. As they are still in operation, I cannot find any information on the court case; I assume that the township met with little success.

Motocross track and off-road park owners, for some reason do not consider others in their quest to establish new facilities. They are insidious as they infiltrate residential areas and make enemies out of their new neighbors. Most people would not object to a motocross track or an ORV park if it were established in an area properly zoned for it. These same people did not purchase land in the middle of nowhere so they could live near motorized vehicle playgrounds.

Until zoning laws are tightened up to make sure these facilities are put in areas properly zoned, the property rights of landowners who don’t want the dust, the noise and the traffic and the trespassing will continue to be infringed upon. ORVs of every type should be licensed and regulated just as on-road vehicles are, and laws pertaining to them should be vigorously enforced. ORV riders who are serious about the image of their sport should police their own as well.
Posted by klasko at 5:06 PM

Labels: ORVs, Zoning


Anonymous said...

Then tell your mother -in law to move cause they are coming even though she doesn't want it.She's going to be too old to live there by herself soon so let her move in with you.The younger people are movin in and the older people need to move into the retirement center where it's quiet.
July 29, 2010 4:41 PM

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

I don't agree with your attitude, and I think it only perpetuates the stereo-type of ORV riders. Not all ORV riders are crude, nasty people, as this blog indicates.

However, I do believe that a person has the right to use their private property as they see fit. If a person wants a guarantee of 200 acres of quiet, wooded property around their residence, then they need to buy that property themselves. If they can't afford it, then, unfortunately, they may just be out of luck.
July 30, 2010 8:58 AM

Anonymous said...

I agree with previous post. Does your mother in-law live next to the park or somewhere in the area? I also see that you own Harleys. Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. I dont think the Orv riders are trying to make your lives miserable. The owner proabaly saw the property and realized how the natural terrain would suit his goals. He probably wouldnt have bought the land if he was told he couldnt. But now what is he to do. Why cant you all realize it is what it is. And he didnt do anything wrong neither did your family except you didnt purchase the 200 acres for yourselves. This is how America and business works. Why does your family deserve to think you are above Orv riders and that you have the right to control his property. Are these riders telling you what you can and cant do on your property? Yes there needs to be guidelines but I understand that he was given the ok twice to build this park and in this particular location.

As to the 12 year old getting killed. Tragic but that can happen out on the trails, road or even in his or your backyard.

Its a good thing we all allow you Harley hogs to ride the streets, I guess if we OWNED the roads maybe we would have a say but we dont OWN them.
July 30, 2010 11:58 AM

Anonymous said...

As far as all this slander goes, i think your entire blog is crap! You make the owner sound like a criminal, if hes done so much wrong, then how come there has been no legal actions against him besides the neighbors harassing him and just plain being miserable?

I have actually spent quite a bit of time on said property, in fact, i am one of the ppl that is helping "destroy" the property in question! Yes he is developing the property for a motocross park, no he hasnt cut the neighbors trees, or done anything that he has been accused of by the auther! What i have seen him do is organize groups of residents of harrison to help clean up the dump of a road called Mostetler, which i may add not one of the neighbors came out to participate! We gathered 8 truck loads of garbage off of this supposed mecca of a street, not including over 50 tires. I have lived here for 30 years and always use this road and it has always been the local dumping ground for garbage.

Another thing i would like to add is how the neighbors post all this garbage, but dont say a word about how all 3 that border this property tresspass regularly and poach knowingly that it isnt their property. All 3 have regular 2 track trails and quad trails running through the property, and one neighbor even admitted that before the previous owner cut the timber, used to run her dogs through the woods.? Is it alright for them to tresspass and make such accusations but its not alright for us to use the property how we seem fit? In fact if they were so worried about the land, why didnt they buy it for themselves as one of the other comments suggested? It is because they just thought they could use the land, without permission i may add, and not have to pay for it!
July 30, 2010 2:10 PM

Anonymous said...

Not everyone in the neighborhood your Mother-in-law resides in is against the new ORV park. I have owned property in the township for nearly twenty years and have resided down the road from the new ORV park for the past eight years. My property is actually closer than your in-laws. I did participate in the road clean up and as far as the road surface, it is in better condition than at any time since I've lived here. You neglected to mention that nearly 100 area businesses and the majority of the township residents support this venture. It can't be said that only the younger people want this, since I am a retiree. My children and grandchildren all look forward to being able to utilize the park. Over the last fifty years I have lived near expressways, lakes, shopping malls, a professional football stadium, state parks, and an outdoor concert arena. All of these created some inconvienence for the neighbors but were huge assets for the community. I feel the ORV park will be the same. What little inconvienence it causes me will be far outweighed by the benefits to town and surrounding area.
July 30, 2010 4:59 PM

klasko said...

Bob - why didn't you use your real name? I don't bite. You are in the minority among the Mostetler Road neighbors.

Most of us would be right there behind M3 if it were where it belongs -- near the highway and not on Mostetler Road.

M3's fans have mischaracterized us as haters. We are not. We are not happy with Hayes Township's end around of the existing zoning laws. I personally would be all over trying to fine a more appropriate location for M3. Nobody seems to want to entertain that as a compromise. I think M3 can succeed if Doug were willing to find a more apopropriate place to put it. As I said on the Sentinel's website - by the HT Zoning Ordinance's own definition, M3 is a club. A club can legitimately be located in a C2 (Highway commercial zone). Why not there?
July 30, 2010 5:20 PM

klasko said...

As Anon#2 pointed out, Anon #1 proves my point about the general attitude of the ORV community. Thanks for trying to police the attitude Anon #2. It's difficult to keep anonymous posters from behaving badly.

I do realize that not all of the ORV community fits the stereotype, but I have met more who do than don't. July 30, 2010 5:25 PM

Anonymous said...

MMM is not a club.
July 30, 2010 5:28 PM

klasko said...

Read the definition in the HTZO.
July 30, 2010 5:37 PM

klasko said...

And fyi - some of the neighbors did express a desire to buy the property. The owner apparently decided to sell elsewhere.
July 30, 2010 6:17 PM

Bob Boyd said...

I apologize for not using my name, everyone in the area knows who I am. It was a "fat finger" click that hit Anonymous instead of Name/URL. My name is Bob Boyd ( I may be in the minority of neighbors, but that does not alter my position. Where M3 belongs is a matter of personal opinion. It takes a certain type of terrain for this type of park and that limits locations. Perhaps there is another location elsewhere in the state, but that would not benefit this community. As I stated before, no matter what kind of recreational venture comes to a community, not everyone is going to be happy. I simply base my feelings on what I think would be best for the area, not necessarily for me personally.
July 30, 2010 10:35 PM

klasko said...

While I understand your opinion, Bob, that's no excuse for spot zoning the way the township did it. Again, I think there are appropriate locations in Hayes Township and we could all work together toward finding them. That is if folks are willing to entertain a compromise. I'm willing to work toward finding a solution that's agreeable to everyone. There does not have to be winners and losers. But until folks are willing to work together, there will be winners and losers.
July 31, 2010 7:46 AM

klasko said...

Anonymous said: "What i have seen him do is organize groups of residents of harrison to help clean up the dump of a road called Mostetler, which i may add not one of the neighbors came out to participate! We gathered 8 truck loads of garbage off of this supposed mecca of a street, not including over 50 tires."

Well, actually, Anon - That's not exactly how it went down. According to the M3 facebook chatter, one of the local posters suggested a group of riders take their dirt bikes and quads up and down Mostetler Road. She was apparently informed that perhaps that was not such a good idea and it evolved into a Mostetler Road clean-up. That clean up was organized by M3 supporters as a way to support M3 and then M3 got on board and suggested basing out of M3. The owner himself did not come up with the idea or begin to organize it. He merely jumped on board with an idea, the organization of which was attributed to him in the local paper that has been serving as his chief cheerleader since he came to town. Go back and look at the archived facebook chatter from the M3 site to see how it all transpired.

What started out as a potentially "in your face" protest directed toward the neighbors on Mostetler Road evolved into a way to support M3, make the M3 owner look good, and make the Mostetler Road neighbors look bad by their "lack of participation."

Someone forgot to mention to these people that Mostetler Road residents are not in the habit of junking up the place where they live. It is people who don't live on Mostetler Road who use it as their personal garbage dump. That is until they had a reason to stop dumping their trash on Mostetler Road.
August 2, 2010 11:37 AM

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a load of crap to me...
August 4, 2010 11:35 AM

Anonymous said...

It takes a real tough person to destroy a sign with green spray paint in the symbol of the people against MMM.Then when that wasn't enough they sent somebody over to trespass in the night,but they were run off.There is security out there and will be from now on.We the riders wont sink to your level.We are better then that,and we are loyal people who will stand beside MMM and WATCH IT so nothing happens again.Pictures say 1000 words.
August 4, 2010 12:41 PM

Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
August 4, 2010 12:48 PM

Matt Pranger said...

Well i see it as, they had a chance to buy the property, or it was for sale, and now someone has bought it and they can do what they want with it,, IT IS THEIERS,,so back off.

I personally cant wait to go there and ride my quad with my son and his quad , and my daughter and wife.

Same thing happened in RoseCity, went to a race there and here are a bunch of folks with picket sighns walkin around at the entrance all weekend,(looked like a bunch of idiots) kinda like the folks here with this issue.

If you dont own it, dont worry about it,,and if you really cared so much then that road wouldnt have looked the way it did,, sounds like this ATV Park is the best thing to happen in this area since all the neighbors(3) have been there.

This post is from
Matt Pranger
Owner of Speedpunks Specialized Images

If you dont like this post feel free to call me,
I will gladly tell you how i feel about this
August 4, 2010 12:59 PM

Matt Pranger said...

And on top of all that , you dont even live here in Michigan,,

Cant you find something to blog about that really concerns you,In VA
August 4, 2010 1:09 PM

klasko said...

The following is from two comments I posted on the Sentinel's website, still awaiting moderation.

To whomever vandalized the Michigan Moto Mania Sign on Mostetler Road:

I don’t care which side of this issue you support, there is no excuse for vandalism. I hope you are caught, and that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Harrison does not need folks who destroy other people’s property just to make a point. If you support the Mostetler Road neighbors, this is not the way to go about about it. And do us a favor - don’t support us. We can do fine without your ilk.

Shame on you!

And the second comment:

Upon giving the matter further thought, I have a question:

What possible motive would a Mostetler Road neighbor have for vandalizing the Michigan Moto Mania sign?

I mean first of all, we’re all pushing 50 or more and not the spring chickens we used to be for climbing up that high to paint the sign. Graffiti isn’t usually a crime coming from the senior set.

Why would a Mostetler Road neighbor vandalize the sign when things are really starting to swing in our direction, from a legal standpoint? We have no reason to do it?

I mean, the stay remains while this drags out now until October. We can afford to sit tight and wait it out. Patience is a virtue. Seniors tend to be a patient lot.

We are not frustrated with the latest outcome. Time and the law is on our side. We have the wisdom or our years and experience on our side. We have not proven ourselves again and again with our words and our social networking chatter to be a bunch of hotheads.

This is uncharacteristic. The Mostetler Road neighbors have everything to lose and nothing to gain by committing acts of vandalism. Do folks honestly believe us to be that stupid?

I think there should be security cameras and trail cameras put up. And I think it will be surprising who they catch. If there is a reward toward catching the vandal, I’ll contribute.
August 4, 2010 1:35 PM

amy said...

this is all so sad. I am sure these people did not put this together in there head to make millions of dollars...You show me one track that makes millions from it...they have jobs all week and deal with the stress of making a track safe and deal with insurance issues I am sure, all so other people can benefit. I am thankful that in this world there are still people out there that will do something for others...God is good...and good will come from this track.
August 4, 2010 2:01 PM

inkladyjennifer said...

To people that keep saying mmm should be able to do what they want with their own property. Tell me why the township can tell me how many animals I can have? I can only have 4 chickens and no roosters and in other townships they say no horses on less then 10 acres. The motocross park/club taking money (business) should only be allowed in commercial/industrial areas. Like the cleared property north end Clare at expressway or north end Harrison expressway. I have a friend who wanted to open a bakery in a residential area and was told no that it needed to be in a commercial area.
August 4, 2010 2:22 PM

Ryan said...

Whether or not you say that the "law and time" is on your side or not, which the court system apparently doesn't agree or this would have been put to a permenant stop. What M3 has on it's side is called Democracy, a little something referred to as the simple majority. Take a drive through town and find 5 buisnesses that don't support M3. You won't How about try to find 5 residents outside of Mosteler road that don't support M3. Again good luck. Sorry but you call out ORV/ATV riders as a group saying we are basically bad people, yet some of the low down things that have gone on since this started has come from your side. Examples such as defacing the M3 sign and don't tell me you didn't do that, I never believe it. How about calling the police reguarly about ATVs riding down Mosteller Road?? A legal activity btw in this county, maybe the police have better things to do than respond to your bogus calls. I suggested this on the MMM site and will suggest it here. M3 should organize a weekly ATV/ORV cruise up and down Mosteller Road. If M3 doesn't organize this there's a good chance that I will be. Good chance I'll be contacting the Muskegeon Motorcycle club also the more the merrier. ;)
August 4, 2010 4:02 PM

BabyGirlLove said...

I am just curious as to why these people are being so selfish trying to tell people how, where, or when they can and can not do something. I find it selfish that these people are thinking of only themselves as this park will benefit this town, the people, and may help people here. But no, all I see is what they want, and how they want it on someone elses property. Almost everyone in this town owns a dirt bike/ORV/Big 4 wheeler, so whats the problem? Oh they cut down some tree's? what about the tree's that were cut down for your house, or your driveway or your car?? Do you have a backyard, a front yard? Come on now, and you know that no ones property has been touched since they started this work. These people in that neiborhood need to see the advantages here rather then worry about a little noise. And its 200 acres, so how is it, that these people are going to hear everything, when more then likely they wont hear a thing.

I find it sad that people are trying to control someone elses property and are putting them through this.

Look at the advantage of Rocks and Valleys here in town, how about Leota and the dirt bikers? Those places are attractions to this town, and another one would be a wonderful thing. You have to also remember that this area strives for tourists, and a place like this will attract tourists. This is something the town needs, and, it is not right to tell other people how to live or what to do on their own property.

Shame on the people who think they are higher then others
August 4, 2010 4:11 PM

BabyGirlLove said...

inklady, I think it is wrong that we are told how many animals we can and can not have. As long as the animals are cared for, whats that problem? I see people that have enough acres or are following guidlines for pets, that do not care for these pets and they end up dying or in bad health.

Its not right for people to tell others what they can and can not do. especially on their own property
August 4, 2010 4:16 PM

Irene said...

First to Klasko. Love the senior remarks. So appropriate as a general description of your lot. But, although you are all seniors, does not mean you are dead and cannot climb a little hill to spray paint. As for trespassing. That will be rectified. Unfortunately for the person/persons who are doing it, it could end badly if caught by the wrong irrate person. You can only taunt and jeer at a caged animal so long, before you get bit. So even if you are a senior and would not dare do such antics, your children and grandchildren may feel compelled. There are consequences for the actions of trespassers and vandals. I'm not going to get into it with you about the business aspect of MMM, because frankly YOU do not live here. You are not a resident of Hayes Twp or of Mostetler Rd and there is only ONE permanent resident near the park. The rest are vacationers. They have NO voting rights. They can play on their land, pay taxes and that's about it. Until they move here permanently. And I hope they don't, because we want to improve our community, they don't have much power. What have you, your family or your Mostetler Neighbors (minus Bob) done for our community? For our kids? For anyone, but YOURSELF? Oh...I know. NOTHING!


I understand your frustrations, but unless you, me and anyone else approaches the township boards to change the zoning ordinances or apply for Special Use Permits, there isn't much we can do or complain about. If you are a Hayes Twp. Resident, they are asking for applications for the Planning Commission. You can make a difference. Did your friend apply for a special use permit?

I would like more animals, but I live in Hayes Twp. in a residental district and must refrain myself. I could literally have a farm, if allowed. :) The cleared property you are discussing would not work for the park. Have you been there? Have you seen how the rolling hills naturally fit the tracks, without destroying and digging into the earth. MMM used the natural terrain. The major work was select cutting and then grooming tracks. How amazing is that? Would you like to open a bakery that is pretty much ready for you, except for some paint and prettiness or would you rather want to build one from scratch? Exactly. Let's go with the one that fits and works. If you haven't taken a tour, call the Drunk Bus and they'll take you on a tour. Don't judge before you've seen what's being done. Don't go by heresay and rumors. And especially don't go by the biasness of senior citizens that can't tolerate change and are so set in their ways that they can't even see past their own front porch on what this means, not for businesses, but for kids, families and the the entire community. Take a kid that has low self esteme and watch him/her excel at a sport and you will witness the greatest thing in the world...a child's smile.
August 4, 2010 4:18 PM

inkladyjennifer said...

Irene, I have went by the park many times some when they are using equipment to make the hills larger. So you need to also not take everything mmm, fans say.

As for the vandalism and trespassing if it was truly done by the opposing side… needs to STOP ON BOTH SIDES They (MMM) have done the same or worse. Cutting of phone lines, dozing on others properties, tree cutting multiple times(on others property). I heard that the owner of mmm said some profanity to the opposing side. (this from an officer) talk about acting childish… My feeling if your not willing to take what the twp and judge have to say with out getting nasty then stop fighting and walk away. My personal thought this will NEVER make or brake Harrison. Lets get a company that will hire 100’s. There are a few jobs around the area but people want to work a no labor job 9-5 no weekends and no education.
August 4, 2010 5:23 PM

Ryan said...

I'm confused on where you get that it would be a bad idea to drive your ATVs up and down Mostetler road, once again as I stated previously it is LEGAL to ride the streets in the county and last I checked we have a constitional right to protest, so this sounds to me like just another fabrication from the other side...doesn't your Mother in Law live over 2 miles away from the park?? Doesn't she only come up here occasionally?? If yes to either of these then whats the big deal?? I know for a fact Bob lives alot closer, and he's even in your supposed senior age group and I don't see him whining about M3. He actually lives here and understands what M3 WILL do for the economy in our area, when it opens soon.
August 5, 2010 1:44 AM

Irene said...

I'm not thinking of MMM as a make or break it for the community. I'm thinking about it as a family spot. A spot where teens and younger kids can participate in a sport, instead of sitting in front of their XBox's or Playstations. Or vandalizing the businesses up town.

Getting nasty. Well come on. This has went on long enough. How long would your patience last? Mine would have been gone long ago and it would have been something worse than calling them A$#es.

We need to have more to offer for families in the area. Families that may want to move here. Families that may want to vacation here and spend money. Not a make or break, but an incentive. Something to say to the rest of the world "hey, don't pass Harrison up, as you go on to better towns".

I don't remember Harrison being classified as a "retirement" community. Last time I checked it was a "vacation/recreation" community that depended those people that stopped here.

As for the trespasser. Hey, it may not have been an opposer. I was just making a point that because Klasko is a senior and their friends are, does not mean that their children and grandchildren would not like to create a little havoc. It could have just been someone being curious. Any which way, it is not a good idea.

And when I talked about going out to MMM. I was meaning to REALLY go out there. Don't be afraid to take a little tour. The trails are beautiful and amazing and you'd be really surprised that all the people that are out there, when approached are nice. Don't judge from the road or the lips of others. UNLESS you are the others and then...there is nothing that can be done about your opinion. Think of the kids, families and community before you think of yourself, your pocket book or a select group of people. Teach your children that it takes a village.
August 5, 2010 9:00 AM

inkladyjennifer said...

Well Ryan, I just Google earthed the distance between bob’s house and the exit the mmm which was .36 miles. Then I did the same from klasko’s in-laws to the entrance which was .48. So in the big picture they are about the same distance and most activity will be at the entrance. This does not include the 3 YEAR ROUND residence and one cabin touching boarders with mmm.

Just for example I can hear everything that goes on at the fair grandstands (clear as day) from a mile away.

Yes it is legal to ride on the roads getting from point A to point B. But be very careful not to turn it into harassment….
August 5, 2010 10:20 AM

klasko said...

Ryan -

Totally fabricated - right off the M3 facebook wall - go see for yourself:

Apparently, back on April 15, on the M3 facebook site, JS (out of respect for her, I will only use her initials), said, "Attention all supporters: I would like to plan a big ride out on Mostetler road for this weekend. Anyone else interested???"

Than after some discussion about whether that was going to help or hinder M3's cause, JS then posted this: "Motomania fans. After thinking about this and listening to some great advice I am not so sure the ride on Saturday is such a great idea. I would not want to do any harm to Doug and Robin. Of course I am sure Doug would allow you all to take a ride in the park but as for the ride down Mostetler we may have to wait until after Wednesday for that."

The Wednesday in question was a court date, I believe. Wouldn't want to upset the judge.

Then DVL suggested, "So... I know the Mostetler road "ride" has been cancelled, but why not show our support in another way. How about getting together to do a clean-up on the road, where all the garbage has been dumped? It might show people that we are all here for the common GOOD! What does everyone think about that?"

Ryan - I don't make claims I can't back up. It was all about public image and perception and not wanting to hurt Doug's cause. It was not a question of legality. You all have a legal right to ride up and down Mostetler Road if you want to. The question still remains - does it help or hinder M3's cause? Or does it just make you feel better trying to annoy and intimidate a bunch of senior citizens?

And my MIL is a year round resident who lives nearby. Just because one guy who lives close by supports M3 doesn'tmean that the rest of the Mostetler Road residents must also support the building of a Motor Sports business where it doesn't belong.

Again, we'll suppurt such a business where it does belong.
August 5, 2010 10:46 AM

klasko said...

Hey Irene - I'm not a senior yet. I'm one of the pushing 50 crowd. I'm here in VA waiting to retire up there away from the rat race down here. I have a alibi. ;-)

Harrison isn't a "retirement" community per se, it's just that all of those families from back in the 60s and 70s bought vacation properety up here. The moms and dads got older and decided to retire from the rat race to Harrrison on their vacation property.

I know that the reason my in-laws bought the property they bought where they bought it was because the likelihood of the surrounding area being developed into something like a motocross business was slim. Never in a million years would they have guessed that 40 years later the township would spot zone it so a motocross business could come in.

All the young folks who stay may want to bear that in mind. They may want to retire where they have spent all their working life vacationing. They may not be happy about someone upsetting their applecart someday.

As for the vandalism - I don't think unsubstantiated accusations should fly in either direction. I think it was some young hothead who was "out of pocket", so to speak, from whatever side of the issue he supported. I think it was wrong, and I hope they get caught and punnished.
August 5, 2010 11:03 AM

klasko said...

Oh, and Irene - I may not be a resident of Hayes Township today, but I will be in the near future and I will vote and I will be involved in the community in some capacity. You will see me at every Township, PC, and ZBA meeting. And I will be running for a local office, not that you'll probably vote for me, but I will be looking to oust some corrupt office holders in Hayes Township and Clare County. You don't have to "get into it" with me today, but you will see me in the Harrison community. I plan to be an active participant since it's where I'll probably spend the rest of my life.
August 5, 2010 11:22 AM

Anna said...

Hold on about the senior "jabs". My husband and I ride atv's all the time and we are 67 and 63. We love it, although we don't "hot dog", we do have fun on them. It is not the age it is the mind that is against the atv's. I ask Mr. Boyd to pray to God and ask for forgiveness in putting people in a nice little box saying that atv owners are basically disrespectful. That is like saying all Christians are "closed minded idiots". Not that I am saying that or thinking it. Love and peace from a 63 (soon to be 64) year old ....old woman who is one step away from the nursing home....ha ha ha ha.
August 5, 2010 12:33 PM

klasko said...

Anna - I don't think Bob was implying that at all. I was the one who said that I've met more disrespectful ORV riders than respectful ones.

I know there are some of you respectful proponents of the sport out there, or you wouldn't be commenting on my blog.

I'm glad to hear that you and your husband are still having fun on your ATVs at your "advanced" age. ;-) I hope you enjoy many more ATV years before you're resdy for the nursing home.

My husband and I are just starting to enjoy our new Harley.
August 5, 2010 1:31 PM

Bob Boyd said...

Thank you for pointing out that I didn't say anything disrespectful about ATV riders. Just the opposite,I'm a avid supporter of those who ride. I'm sorry you have had the misfortune of dealing with the "bad apples". Watch the "advanced age" comments. ;-) I'm sixty three and have never felt younger (well maybe that's exagerating things just a little).
August 5, 2010 2:06 PM

klasko said...

No prob, Bob. Just wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding. I think a lot of the problem with our current situation is a whole lot of misunderstanding.

I hope I still feel young at 63. :-)

I have days when my back tries to tell me I'm about 80!
August 5, 2010 2:24 PM

inkladyjennifer said...

Anna, that is the big difference between you and other ATV riders. As you said you don’t "hot dog" it. 90% of riders under the age of about 40 want to see how fast they can go. That is going to be what this park is all about RACING…..

I have been around bikes and quads and the more people you have riding the louder they get. I can handle about 1 hour then I tell my family its time to put them up for a while because my ears are ringing. This is one of the main issues with that so called PARK for families. Its going to be for kids or adults 18+ not really both because the ones under 18 need supervised (adults unable to ride). Unless they are going to let a 200lb or so parents ride along side 50lb kids (not very smart).

This situation may have been better if mmm would have talk to ALL mostetler residence and the followers would have kept their mouths out of it. I feel this should have only involved people in the area of mmm (mostetler rd and deer lake estates) and their families. They are the TRUE ones being affected….
August 5, 2010 2:52 PM

Ryan said...


I'm sorry but it's not just legal to ride from point A to point B it's plain and simple legal to ride ATV/ORVs on the county streets no matter what you are doing or where you are going, as long as it's not one of the main highways, search the law, I have worked for the Sheriffs department in this county so i'm pretty sure i'm well aware of how the law works...I just wish you would quit plugging people into groups and saying it's ATV riders or "young" people that are the problem "Racism is simply an ugly form collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. We should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty" (Congressman Ron Paul)..Anna who is my Mother taught me how to respect my ride and the people around me and i'm 32, my wife who rides with me is 30...I see you own Harleys and regularly cruise, a harley is about 1000 times louder than any quad, so don't tell me you don't ever disturbe anyone while you're cruising. Good luck getting into office with what your family has pulled, i'm pretty sure you'll get the votes of your fellow Mostetler road neighbors, but the majority of the rest of Hayes Township sees you and your family as nothing but a nuisance. You say how about they compromise and move the property, that's such an assine comment if i've ever heard of one, so do the Mostetler Road residents plan on paying for this move?? Including every penny Doug and Robin have dumped into M3 since the winter?? I doubt it..and that's no compromise, that's nothing but a strong hand tactic, to make yourselves look like you really care.

Inklady sorry to say but the Hayes Township board doesn't just work for the people of Mostetler Road they work for the people of Hayes as a whole and a majority of people in Hayes and the surrounding communities support M3 and your comment is the exact reason people believe the only ones you are all thinking about is yourselves.

All in all I can't wait till this place opens, I have the utmost confidence the board is smart enough to realize that a LARGE majority of their voters support M3 and soon enough it will be open...either that or they'll all be looking for different jobs come next election. So have fun spending all that retirement money on a lost cause.
August 5, 2010 5:45 PM

Ryan said...

I'm sorry Klasko the first comment about the point A to B comment was directed at InkLady.
August 5, 2010 5:55 PM

klasko said...

Actually, Ryan, I haven't ridden a motorcycle in about 30 years. Neither has my husband. We only just purchased our new bike this past weekend. It's still at the dealer's not ready yet, so I don't think I have disturbed anyone by riding a motorcycle lately.

Also, what has my family pulled? They had the misfortune of owning property on a road where the Township thought they could get away with spot zoning? I support the families who have owned pproperty on Mostetler Road, who have also poured decades worth of taxes and improvements into their property, which includes my MIL. Our decades of money invested and the hard work we've put into our property is somehow less valid than Doug's investment? That's pulling something? How is our desire to protect our investment pulling something? I have done nothing but backed the rule of law, which as an employee of the sheriff's department, you of all people should celebrate. Were you also aware the Mostetler Road neighbors were informed by the Hayes Township attorney that the ONLY way for us to receive redress to correct the township's malfeasance was in the court system?
August 5, 2010 8:15 PM

Ryan said...

When it's something that affects the community as a whole, not just the select few that have very few votes and the community as a majority supports it then you are 100 percent correct, your MILs tax money, sorry but you still have no say or vote, means nothing...Once again this is a democracy and last I checked in a Democracry Majority rules. In the first vote the board of trustees understood that, but your family couldn't leave well enough alone, and decided to appeal. The board corrected their mistake they made last year and had a proper hearing and you still didn't agree with their decision, so how does that change if they would've done the proper meeting in Oct?? You still would've appealed and we'd still be in the same situation, so don't tell me you are trying to back the letter of law all you are doing is thinking of yourselves and trying to hurt a community that could really use a boost me up right now.
August 5, 2010 8:55 PM

klasko said...

Actually Ryan, this is not a Democracy. A Democracy is mob rule. This is a Democratic Republic. A representative form of government. Our elected representatives act on our behalf. They make the laws. We rarely vote on the laws unless they are put to a referendum. We vote for the lawmakers.

If they had done what they were supposed to do, the Special Use would NEVER have been approved and Doug would not have wasted his money. That is what would have changed.

My family's name is not on any appeal. But I do support the appeal.

They did not follow their own ordinance. Have you read the Hayes Township ordinance? I have. I don't think you have or you would know that what they did was much more than not informing the neighbors of a backdoor meeting that was convened for the purpose of railroading the Special Use through. they did not correct their mistake. That fact will be bourne out in court. The judge hasn't taken on the job of the township to fix the mess they've made, he's giving them the chance to fix it before he rules on it in court. That is why this latest delay. Not trying to hurt a community. just trying to deal with and expose some corruption to make the community better. The ends DO NOT justify the means. You as a law keeper should know that.
August 5, 2010 10:10 PM

Ryan said...

Giving them a chance to fix it?? LOL you are a joke you first say that we elect people to represent us then go on to say those people need to basically put your family and their supporters first...If they represented the majority as a whole as they are supposed to and attempted to in the first vote this year this would be over.

If the judge felt there was wrong doing he would've again put a permanent stop this, don't think he's pandering to your side, just because he wants the board to vote and quit deadlocking it.

I don't agree and never have agreed to everything the corrupt policticians do around here but I do support M3 as do well over 95 percent of Hayes Township and the surrounding areas, including nearly every buisness big and small, every single person on the Sheriff's Department, the city police I could go on and on, but apparently that doesn't get through to you so good bye and good riddance.!/event.php?eid=103444253045063

August 5, 2010 10:40 PM

Ryan said...

Also how can you say you are trying to make a community better when you are trying to railroad a tourist attraction right out of town, give me a break.
August 5, 2010 10:42 PM

klasko said...

Ryan - up until your last post, you've seemed rather reasonable about everything. We disagree. Does that make us enemies? Not in my book, but if you feel that way, then I'm sorry for it.

I'd love to sit down with you and show you the incomplete paperwork and the ordinance as well as the Hayes Township and the Clare County Master Plans, point by point so you can see for yourself and decide if there was any wrongdoing.

The judge has not shut it down permanently because he is allowing the "system" to run its course before he gets involved prematurely. Michigan State court of appeals precedent has already ruled that spot zoning is illegal in a 2006 decision almost identical to this situation.(Bracelin vs. Allegan Township Zoning Board of Appeals) I don't believe that the judge is pandering to the neighbors' side of the argument. That will all be heard in court, and we will see if the Township misapplied the law for their own purposes or not.

The "majority" has been whipped up into a frenzy over this by the volunteer cheerleaders running the PR campaign in Harrison with free publicity from the local paper. Catering to said "majority" by misapplying the existing laws and looking the other way when called upon to do the jobs they have been entrusted with (and that includes law enforcement) does no one any good. What good is a law if there is no enforcement? At this point in time, this lawsuit is less about a motocross business and has grown into being about exposing corruption.

It's not you and yours this time, that are suffering the consequences of the corruption personally, so that's ok if a small number of people's rights get trampled all over on Mostetler Road - it's for the "greater good". What happens the next time, when you are on the wrong side of the "greater good" line? Or do you think there won't be a next time?

Here's the thing: This whole town is suffering because of the corrupt leaders. If this had been done right the first time, they would not have approved the Special Use in that location. And Doug, by Robin's own admission on facebook would not have purchased the land. If they really had everyone's interest in mind, they would have helped Doug find a suitably zoned place to put his business and everyone in Hayes Township, Harrison and Clare county could have been on board with M3.

Instead, the Township's actions pitted the people of this town against one another. The whole town has suffered. The Mostetler Road and Deer Lake neighbors have suffered the trampling of their rights by the people who have been charged with uphoilding those rights. Doug has suffered. The people of the township are suffering because of all the hundreds of jobs they think that M3 was going to bring to this town.

This poorest county in the state of Michigan with all the disposable income will still have to buy a membership and then spend $20.00 /body through the gate just to ride when M3 is up and running as a business. Do all these people crying poor have that kind of money to spend for a day at M3? Because it is, after all, a business. The freebies will come to a screeching halt if he opens.

With all the restrictions that have been put on M3 - no concession stands, porta-potties and no place to have running water and electricity - after the novelty wears off, do you really think that it will be a profitable enterprise? How many people are really going to come without the amenities, especially families? In the right place, M3 could have running water and electricity and showers and concession stands and all the amenities to make this business a real success, and with the backing of the entire town. But that's not an alternative anyone wants to discuss. It can be done, and with a lot less butt pain for everyone, IF ONLY the township had gone about it the right way.
August 6, 2010 9:10 AM

klasko said...

Ryan - Have fun on your perpetual Mostetler Road cruise.

I'm NOT trying to railroad it out of town. I want to see it succeed in a place where is belongs. We could help Doug find a better place to put his business. I'll be behind it 100%. I do think it's good for Harrison, just NOT on Mostetler Road.
August 6, 2010 9:14 AM

Ryan said...

First off i'm on the wrong side of the majority all the time, case in point the smoking ban in Michigan, it's part of life get over it. No amneties, means nothing...Leota trails work fine with none of these, Rocks Valleys works fine with none of these and Rocks and Valleys is just as expensive if not more so and is very profitible. ATV/ORV riders are alot like campers, we tend to bring our own things, we tend to adapt and overcome...Not trying to railroad it out of town?? If they are forced to move you people have broke them and that will be their only option, so quit with your high and mighty i'm better than you act, jump off your high horse and realize that's exactly what you are doing.
August 6, 2010 3:15 PM

klasko said...

Not out of town - just off of Mostetler Road.
August 6, 2010 4:29 PM

harrisondrunkbus said...

Klasko you and the others going to buy Doug 200 acres he can rebuild on? Wow that's awesome! You guy's are great people for suggesting that.So I'm sure you'll be contacting a relater in Harrison to search out property and get the right permits so he can start rebuilding..I'm sure you can get the funds for renting the equipment and pay the guy's to run it.I hope they still have enough retirement money put aside to make all that happen.It will cost a little more then what they have put aside for attorney's.So we will all be waiting for the post about it.Again that's very commendable of all of you Thank you again!
August 6, 2010 6:52 PM

harrisondrunkbus said...

I think it's so awesome that the Mostetler rd people are going to buy Doug another 200 acres of land to start over with.Make sure you guy's find a good relater and pull the proper permits and you'll need all the machines to rent to make new tracks and you'll have to pay the guy's to run them and don't forget you'll have to set aside more money to have them rocked and sticked over and over..not to mention the park you'll have to build the grass you'll have to grow for the kids and the park equipment you'll have to build.I hope they have enough money put aside for all this.I think it's great you guy's are willing to do this as a compromise..your all awesome!
August 6, 2010 7:00 PM

Lil-Nic said...

Klasko - I am so incredibly embarrased by your blog. HOW DARE YOU call yourself a Christian! At the very top of your blog you quote Psalm 45:1. Maybe instead you should focus on Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." It is so very unfortunate that you would take a public forum such as this as an attempt to diminish the character of a group of people whom you have NEVER EVEN MET - yet are judging on heresay! Shame on you! It is people like you that make REAL Christians get a bad rep for being hypocritical!
August 7, 2010 6:22 PM

klasko said...

Nikki - been away from my computer for a day. I do have a life. Just now got around to posting your opinion. You are entitled to it. I just don't share it.

Not judging based on hearsay. I can see some of their own words in their writings. And I have also seen some of these upstanding citizens firsthand.
August 7, 2010 10:36 PM

Ryan said...

Your a Harley rider right klasko?? Aren't all Harley riders hardened criminals and in horrible Biker gangs?? See what I did there??
August 7, 2010 11:16 PM

Mariposa Alfiler said...

As a young person born and raised in the Harrison area with countless hours spent volunteering to improve the place that I call home, I am somewhat appalled to hear my community referred to as a "retirement community". I believe that no statement could be more wrong about the place in which I live. There are young people in my community--people who love, respect, and admire the land on which we live. We are thriving, alive. We are the future of this community. Harrison is not a place where people come to die. It is a place where we LIVE, not vacation. This is not where we go to get away from the "rat race". This is where we grow, where we work, where we spend every day striving to become something better. This is our "rat race". As much as I would like to view our little slice of heaven as some idyllic land where quiet prevails and land is untouched, I must say that for our community to survive, we need to attract attention to the area. If your in-laws desire to protect our beautiful land so much, there are channels by which they can develop a land preserve. Our community would welcome this. After setting aside land that cannot be built on or developed, your in-laws could move to an adjacent property. In this manner, they would no longer have to deal with the interruption of the good people in this community living their lives and making money. This may be your vacation/retirement destination, but it is my HOME. We have to work hard here to keep our community alive. Young people in my community suffer enough hardship. I have worked with little ones and have seen the struggles that they face as a result of poverty, as a result of being born in a place that doesn't have the earning potential it used to have. I strongly believe that the implementation of Michigan Moto Mania in the proposed location is one of the best things that could happen in OUR community. We live here full time, own local businesses, and will ultimately see the benefits of increased business from tourists like yourself. In addition, our young people can celebrate the ATV/ORV tradition that defines our land and engage in activities that are character-building and that can lend confidence and physical fitness to the residents and visitors to Harrison. I just hope the crowd that Michigan Moto Mania draws in is more sensitive to the needs of our community, and less selfish when it comes to determining what is right for the community as a whole.


Lauren A Boulton
Harrison Community High School Class of '08
Local Student and Writer

August 9, 2010 12:11 PM

tara said...

People need to stop pushing this park by trying to make people think it will help get families out of poverty. For one thing this Race track will not bring any family out of poverty. The track will cause more families to waste the money they don’t have so the parents/kids can ride at the track. If we as a community want to get families out of poverty we need to force them to take ANY kind of job they can get. The thing I notice about the poverty level in Harrison/Clare county is they always have money for alcohol, cigarettes and don’t forget the fair.
August 9, 2010 3:24 PM

tara said...

I hope everyone that lives in the Hayes twp/ Harrison area wants to move. If this could happened to the Mostetler rd residence it could happen to you or your family. Then we will see how other residence in the area really feel about what’s allowed to move into residential areas. The twp will do anything to make money especially if it benefits them.

To a comment earlier you NEVER really own your home if you stop paying taxes they will sell your house. The twp tells you how far you may have buildings/fences away from property lines. They also tell you how many and what kind of animals are allowed. You have to get a permit to do anything to your house new doors, windows, siding and if your grass is to tall they tell you to cut it. We just live in a house on their (twp)land.
August 9, 2010 3:48 PM

klasko said...

Dear Old People, we will be glad to take your tourist dollars while you are working elsewhere, but coming up here while you're still young and fun and contributing with your tax dollars and expendable income to our community, but when you are done working downstate, please consider retiring in some other location, as this is our home and retirees do not have anything positive to contribute to this vitally alive community. We are the future of this community, and you are not even its past because you did not live here every day of your life. We will be glad to tax you without representation for the good of this comunity where you come to spend your money, which helps us all out, but don't even think about wanting to have a voice in this community. Sell your land and retire somewhere else. We need it for another tourist attraction to take your disposable income.
August 9, 2010 4:57 PM

tara said...

You hit the nail on the head klasko. That is exactilly what the young of clare county want. While your at it sell your $100,000+ home to them for $50,000.
August 9, 2010 5:12 PM

Irene said...

What Lauren was saying, is that you can't expect to come to our community and vacation, have fun, then retire here. All the while expecting to put a freeze on our growth. You can enjoy it, but to hell if anyone else can. Oh, wait, ONLY as long as it's not by Mostetler Road or Deer Lake Road.

The idea that MMM will provide all these jobs and throw Harrison out of poverty is ridiculous. Anyone that has ever studied economy knows of the trickle-down effect. MMM will provide the "ATTRACTION" to the area. Which will then provide tourists, which will provide money to gas stations, motels, campgrounds, etc. Which will then spur the economy and provide more jobs, because there is more of a demand in the area.

And to tell you the truth. I could buy your $100,000 house for half that amount. The real estate is DEPRESSED in Michigan. Especially Clare County. My house has decreased in value by 50% in 3 years.

This is exactly what is of concern KLasko. Instead of praising the writing abilities of a recent graduate. You tear her down. What happened to "we all have different opinions". Mature.

As you said before about coming here and running for office. I look forward to that day. That should be enjoyable to watch you spend your retirement fund on a fruitless campaign.

Try to stick to picking apart us Hayes Township residents and leave the kids alone. On the playground, we call those people....bullies.
August 11, 2010 2:09 PM

klasko said...

Dear Lauren,

Thank you for having the courage as a writer of putting yourself out there and your thoughts as well, for better or for worse. You are an articulate young lady and I did check out your Hallmark card. Cute, btw. Good luck in your future writing endeavors.

As you can see, when people disagree with us as writers, we have to develop thick skins. But I expect that you knew that before you waded in with your opinion. Everyone's a critic, especially when they disagree with you. It was not my intention to "bully" you.

Contrary to what Irene thinks, my last comment was not directed entirely at you, although you were the latest to articulate the sentiment that I translated into less kind words than the ones you used. It may or may not have been what you intended, but both Irene and I are guilty of presuming to speak for you. You are not the first to express the opinion which I parodied, but I merely stated the sentiment in plain words. My experience has been that it is how many in Clare County feel about the people who vacation in Clare County and decide that they like it so much here that they want to retire here.

I make no apology for stating what many in Clare County are really feeling as they happily take the money we spend boosting the economy. Makes me feel like France. They hold tourists in much disdain, but at the same time they are happy to take those same tourists' money. Although most people don't want to retire in France.

Whether or not I am ever elected to any office in Clare County, I will do what I can to make the Boss Hoggs in this town know that people are watching and this kind of spot zoning will not ever fly again. One of the first things I intend to do as a private citizen is to see that property owners have a voice in every local jurisdiction where they own property. I'll do it by getting the state legislature on board with it. Property owners should be able to vote in every county level and below election. They pay more taxes than the locals. They should be able to elect their local representatives. I'll be all about making that happen. Some people are fans of corrupt politics as usual.

Also Irene - Lauren's not a kid anymore. She's a big girl now. She's an articulate college student. If she wants to voice her opinion on my blog, I'm not going to treat her with kid gloves any more than I treat you with kid gloves. Although we disagree, I did not delete any of her comments or your comments.
August 12, 2010 12:29 AM

Irene said...

Lauren may be a big girl now, but relative to your age and mine, she's still a kid and learning. All I was saying was take it easy. It is hard to put yourself out there and then to be torn up is harsh.

As for the retirement part. This is how I feel. If you like vacationing here. Then we apparently are doing something right. The permanent citizens. When you (anyone) chooses to retire, help make positive differences. Not a total rehaul. We want to make sure that this is a great place for our youth. Do you think we want our children to grow up and have to move away, because we don't have enough jobs, entertainment, etc. for them? We want our kids to stay close. As a parent, a community leader, I see MMM as a source of recreation, positive self esteem sport, etc. Not only for ATV's but for the kids that ride BMX. This is not the beat all-end all for Harrison. But it also sets a precident for future businesses that want to come in. We have to look at the BIG picture. My biggest concern is our youth.
August 12, 2010 11:21 AM

tara said...

Please tell me who is going to pay for these kids to ride out their? I see so many of these youth riding their peddle bikes in town and cutting in front of cars and jumping the curb into the street. why are these kids not finding work for the summer they are all old enough. (they don’t want to work) I worked the whole time I was in high school because my parents wanted to show me that if I want something I needed to work for it. If I wanted hot lunch at school I had to pay for it. Anything I wanted to do for fun games, dances, movies, car/gas money I had to work for it. The problem with the kids in this area is the parents don’t want them to work they just give them everything. My children have had chores since they were 5 or so. They loaded the dishwasher helped fold clothes, took care of the animals. The youth of this area need jobs not something else to spend money on.
August 12, 2010 6:54 PM

Irene said...

Oh. No. I know you just did not go there. If you had a clue. Which we know you don't. Those youth can't find jobs, because there are none. And those same youth have logged over 60 hours cleaning the area for the BMX park at MMM. Those hours are to be banked for them as payment for riding. Then they can continue to do maintenance on their BMX site to have that privelege. If they don't work, they have to pay to ride. Those same kids have helped at the Taco Dinner, Spaghetti Dinner, Concert, and Bake Sale for the BMX park at Hayes Township. They want a SAFE place to ride. Without being thrown out of every place they try to jump. How about you pitch in and help those kids get a park going? Hmmm? Too much work for ya? Or you too selfish like the rest of the bunch? I guess I have to repeat myself for you Tara...on the playground we call you people bullies. You have nothing better to do than to complain about kids. But we don't see you out helping them. It takes a village.
August 13, 2010 4:33 PM

harrisondrunkbus said...

If the adults can't find jobs here how do expect the youth to find jobs?Have you been past Michigan works?5 years ago when we came to this town we went through Michigan doesn't work!My husband kept getting temp jobs that would last for some times 89 day's then was let we created our own job..the Bar shuttle,but not everyone can do that.Jobs have to be created if not then people move out of the county and go down state or to another state.Most of the kids join the service just so they can have a job..the kids your seeing are 13.14 years old.Some do yard work,but so many people around here can't even afford to have yard work done anymore.At this point we need all the help we can get and if MMM can help well then let it help!I can't believe this is even being disputed.I will along with 1000s celebrate the day it opens,cause I know it will bring nothing but great things to this town and county.
August 15, 2010 10:06 AM

Mariposa Alfiler said...

Thank you for respecting my opinion enough to allow me to express it on your blog, although I think you misunderstood what I am saying. I love retirees and I think that older people can definitely contribute to the vitality of our community. It makes me happy that people choose Harrison as a place to retire--I know that I love it, too. You don't have to be born here to appreciate the community. I never meant any offense to people that choose to retire here.

I don't know where you got that I am an ageist. My grandmother was my best friend. Her grandparents and parents grew up in Harrison, and she lived here for her whole life, including her retirement. When she became ill with cancer, I spent my summer taking care of her. Even now that she has passed, I feel an obligation to the older people in Harrison. There are many older people who I count among my friends. Besides, my parents should be retiring in the next five to ten years, and I love them!

Tara, I pray that you can find a way to express your opinions without resorting to personal attacks and over-generalizations about people from my hometown. I know how difficult the job market is for everyone. The economy is at an extreme nadir and there are a lot of good people EVERYWHERE who cannot find employment. This forces overqualified adults into the minimum wage jobs that teenagers would occupy during a time of higher economic success. I know just how arduous the job search process can be in Harrison as a young person, because I have been forced into taking a job that is internet based rather than one at a local business. I love my job, but it makes me sad that it is so hard to find employment. This is especially true because I am a college student working hard to pay my rent and tuition. I have had the fortune to go to school thanks to hard work in academics that lead to scholarships from my very beautiful community and the local businesses in it. However, as the Harrison Drunk Bus owners said, most of the people that I graduated with ended up serving their country in the military. There are a great number of admirable people from Harrison.

I am happy to say that my parents raised me well. It is great that you teach your children responsibility through chores, my parents also employed (and still employ, ugh) this method. It has made me a stronger person with the ability to take care of myself. I am thankful that my parents did not hand me everything I wanted. My parents also raised me to be kind and courteous to others and to look out for the people and places that I love, which is what I am doing at this moment. In short, I work seventy plus hours a week for less than minimum wage. This does not mean, however, that I cannot find time to enjoy myself. Youth is for living. It is my business where I choose to spend my money in my leisure time. I respect your ability to do the same.

I would like to point out that I live very close to both SnowSnake ski lodge and Rocks and Valleys. I support both of these local recreational businesses and I am happy to have them close to my home. We all make adjustments for growth.
August 16, 2010 4:29 PM

kalus said...

The few should step aside so the majority can benefit. Isn't that the idea of our entire country.

NIMBY is really the problem here. (not in my back yard)
August 24, 2010 7:34 PM

klasko said...

Zoning ordinances are zoning ordinances. Perhaps people who live in Hayes Township should pay more attention to what is and isn't allowed according to the current zoning laws. If they don't like the zoning laws, maybe they should move to where there aren't any.

Kalus - do you plan to compensate all the people you are asking to just step aside? What about all the years of taxes and money they have invested in their property?
August 24, 2010 9:30 PM

kalus said...

Why would they need compensation? No one has asked them to leave, no one has taken anything from them that is not a subjective matter of opinion.

I've read the articles, I've wathced the video of your mom saying she's not "opposed to this sort of thing, just not here". Is this not the very definition of nimby.

Progress and devolopment happen eveywhere, those who are the most affected are never happy, it's just the way it goes.

Who told you life was fair anyways, you should be old enough to know it's not.

I just wonder how enjoyable retirement will be in a community where you will be shunned as the jerks (not calling names, but this is how people will remember you in their head) who wouldn't let the park happen.

People won't forget that you and your family squashed an opportunity for their town they called home their ENTIRE lives, so you could call it home for the last FEW years of your life.
August 25, 2010 6:37 AM

klasko said...

Yes it sure is a case of NIMBY. That's exactly why those of us who are against it bought property in the areas where we bought. Because according to the zonong laws, this sort of thing should not have ever happened. If I wanted to live with an ORV business (NOT a resort) in my backyard, I would have purchased property where such a business was zoned. Mostetler Road IS NOT and NEVBER WAS zoned for a Motocross/ORV business. And Hayes Township Planning Commission will find out soon enough that it is illegal to spot zone, which is exactly what they did.
August 25, 2010 7:42 AM

Joanne said...

It is amazing to me how someone who does not even live here has so many comments and opinions cocerning Motomania.
August 25, 2010 10:30 AM

klasko said...

Joanne - Don't you pay attention? I will be living there soon enough, and I don't want to retire next to a motocross/orv business.
August 25, 2010 12:27 PM

kalus said...

Definition of SELFISH

1: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

2: arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others

3: being an actively replicating repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that serves no known function ; also : being genetic material solely concerned with its own replication

— self·ish·ly adverb

— self·ish·ness noun

Given Websters definition of the very word, I have to wonder about the title of this blog.

I know you have to approve all comments before they go up, so I give you kudos for posting peoples opinions who are more reasonable human beings than yourself.
August 25, 2010 6:49 PM

kalus said...


Clare County will encounter many opportunities and challenges in the next fifteen years.

With an increase in population and socio-economic changes, development pressure is beginning to undermine the rural character of the County and will ultimately change the County’s quality of life.

This Master Plan, with the cooperation of the townships and municipalities within Clare County and the communities that surround the County, will assist in the protection of the features that contribute to the overall character of the County.

The Clare County Planning Commission has established the following as Clare County Vision:

Clare County will provide for orderly and efficient growth and development of land, transportation, and public and private services, while maintaining the rural character and increasing the quality of life of the County. Clare County will promote recreation and tourism and improve the County’s economy and employment opportunities.

Cut and pasted from Clare County's zoning master plan (

It really seems to me you folks won't fit in.

It's all right there, yes to some (the few) this devolpment may undermine some of the qualities of this dying county. However, the last paragraph sets out specically what eveyone (the many) in the blog, county, and city have been trying to tell you.
August 25, 2010 6:59 PM

kalus said...

Re: the last post you made about retiring near an orv community, then don't.

There's lots of places in the world you could go.

I wonder if you realize how strong the ORV community is in MI. We are the only state in the nation adding to our trail networks and opening up ORV opportunities.

Why? Because business has had a taste of the money we ORV scum bring to town.

The surest way to make an enemy is to mess with their wallet, which is EXACTLY whatyour family is doing.

As I said before people in small towns where most are kin or have a long history together do not forget those who deficate on their plate.
August 25, 2010 7:05 PM

kalus said...

If you like I can post numerous articles from the Clare Count paper where zoning ordinaces are changed to accomadate businesses where there will be an obvious economic benefit, or so called spot zoning.

This is how it works. Or should, it used to be called the American Dream.

I was wondering also, do loud pipes save lives?
August 25, 2010 7:11 PM

klasko said...

From that M3 PR and propaganda rag? No thanks.

The Clare County Master Plan says a lot of things. It also says,on page 9: "Action 6 - Future Land Use Plan - Limited abillity beyond encouraging townships , cities, village with zoning to be responsible in their planning and encouraging expanding current uses rather than developing new areas not currently under development."

That was Mostetler Road - not currently under development at the time the Special Use was approved.

Also, the Master Plan is a set of guidelines, and does not carry the weight of the law that the Zoning Ordinance carries.
August 26, 2010 8:46 AM

kalus said...

Hmmmm, that's a stretch.

The articles I'm referring to have nothing to do withM3. In fact they were published before any of this was even an idea.

Funny they have a different point of view than yours (one that is in the best interests of us who LIVE here) so the are a propaganda rag.
August 26, 2010 11:49 AM

kalus said...

BTW the law firm Slander & Liable called and they would like to ask some questions about your false allegations of trespass.
August 26, 2010 12:22 PM

klasko said...

The Law Firm of Slander and Libel are also looking into false accusations of poaching alleged by M3 supporters.
August 26, 2010 1:05 PM


  1. Well this blog made for a interesting read, I have not yet been to the park, But was looking forward to seeing it here in the near future, First off I have a question, As far as a kid dying on a track, we had 15 people die on the lakes in my area, So should we ban people from using the lakes? Secondly you sit there and say that people that ride these are all distasteful to the land they ride on, I have rode for years and have never once distroyed anything. Another point I would like to make is that with a new venue opening would bring jobs. Also would you rather see me riding my snowmobiles down the road or on a predesigned area. Also as far as the vandalism, let me catch you doing it, or anywhere near my fathers or MMA property, I'll see to it that the law takes full interest in you. I have decided to look a little farther into the issue up there. Now I will post a little more, But if you would like to send me any comments before I get a chance to say the rest, you are more than welcome to email me at, But from what I can see my family is doing a good job of speaking there mind on here.

  2. Thank you for commenting. I guess you didn't get the memo from the Moto Mania fans about the moratorium. Thay have stopped talking and are no longer interested in conversation.

    I'm interested in your future comments.

    Have you read the entire blog or just this post and the comments from this post?

    This post was what started the blog. I had put it on my other blog and it kind of took over, so I started a blog to discuss just this.

    There is way more to the story than just what is in this poarticular post and attached comments.

    As far as the kid dying on the track, I was merely pointing out that it is not as safe a sport as proponents of the sport would have people believe.

    I'm glad you are careful about your riding habits and do not destroy habitat and other things where you ride. It is it the less conscientious riders with whom I have a problem.

    I am all for predesigned areas for smowmobiles and ORVs to ride. I say put them where they belong and that is not in an area not zoned for such activity. Hayes Township has areas zoned for such activity - that is where a commercial enterprise like Michigan Moto Mania belongs, not in the backyards of folks who purchased their property specifically to avoid such business enterprises.
