Per the Hayes Township zoning ordinance:
Page 7: Item #31 - Club (definition): Buildings and facilities owned or operated by corporation, association, person or persons, for social, educational, or recreational purposes.
WHMDR is a corporation that goes by the business alias Michigan Moto Mania that owns facilities for recreational puroposes. That, by the Hayes Township's definition is a club.
Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance Page 29:
C-2 Highway Commercial District, Section 1001 Uses Permitted by Right: Item #10 - Clubs.
C-2 is the zone where a business such as Michigan MotoMania can and should operate in Hayes Township. No special use required.
Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance Page 15, Item #87 - Resort (Definition): A recreational lodge, camp, or facility operated for gain, and which provides overnight lodging and one or more of the following: golf, skiing, dude ranching, recreational farming, smowmobiling, pack trains, bike trails, boating, swimming, hunting and fishing and related or similar uses normally associated with recreational resorts.
By the definition and what was agreed upon as part of the last of 10 or so iterations of a site plan, Michigan Moto Mania is NOT a resort. In everyone's eagerness to ram this thing through, they disqualified M3 as a resort. So now, in the last month or so, some folks are calling it a resort, believing that if you tell a lie often enough or shout it loud enough, people will believe it. Michigan Moto Mania was never described as a resort at the beginning, and especially not after it was declared that there would be no camping facilities for the public. Now we are going to to try to sell it as a resort because it is the most legally expedient definition we can wheedle through the system. We'll bend it to make it fit. That's the motto. Did Moto Mania's local PR guru and PR and Propaganda rag come up with that? They were the first to call it a resort in print.
Just because a certain local newspaper chooses to call Michigan Moto Mania a resort, contrary to the Hayes Township Zoning Ordinance's definition doesn't make it so, no matter how much they want it to be a resort.
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